
Like other charities, our collections in 2022/23 have suffered from Covid as we have not been able to collect as much as usual. We hope to do better this year from 1 July 2023

These are our latest donations -

Rotary Year 1 July 2023 to 30th June 2024

Hexham Abbey Festival..................£200.00
Ukraine Refugees...........................£3,500.00
Gateway in the Community.............£250.00

Royal British Legion.......................£75.00

Hexham Town Fireworks...............£10,000.00

Def RSPB......................................£1142.12

W Northumberland Foodbank... ....£250.00

Donation Feeding Families..............£100.00

Donation CBM UK........................£100.00

Tynedale Hospice...........................£1000.00

Hexham Youth Initiative..................£900.00

Hexham Abbey PCC......................£100.00

Medecins sans Frontieres................£2,500.00


Turkey/Syria Earthquake................£500.00

Hexham Abbey Festival of Light.....£300.00

Alzheimers Society ........................£50.00

Rotary Foundation..........................£1050.00

Commonwealth War Graves...........£50.00

Total so far £23,317.12


In The Rotary year from 1 July 2022 to 30th June 2023, we gave donations totalling £12,838.49

British Red Cross.............              £2000.00
Hexham Youth Initiative................. £2000.00
Pakistan Floods Appeal...............  £1000.00
Ncle Univ Cancer Centr.                £1000.00
British legion wreath...............       £75.00
Hexham Community Grocery..       £100.00
Tynedale Hospice............. .           £900.00
Girl Guides - Nepal trip...............   £200.00
Daisy Oliver..........................         £75.00
North of Tyne MRU..............         £900.00
Shelter Box ...........................        £1000.00
Red Cross re earthquake              £1710.00
Comm War Graves Comm             £50.00
Rotary Foundation.............           £1350.00
Polio Plus.........................             £248.49
Links re Jazz Festival............        £30.00
PCDC.......................................     £200.00

if you wish to help, you can also support us by donating to a project here

The Rotary Year 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. We made the following donations totalling £16,863.00

Hex Community Centre




St. Paul's Charity Zambia


Abbey concert


Hex Community Centre


Kids Out - Toy Box


N'cle Cancer Research


Royal British Legion


West N/b Food Bank


Tynedale Hospice


Charlotte Starker


Josh Bockett


Hexham Abbey defibrilator


British Red Cross - Ukraine


Core Music


RFUK - Foundation Website


Community Choir


Young Employee winners


Foundation Annual Fund


Polio Plus


British Red Cross - Ukraine



The previous year from July 2020 to June 2021 donations totalled £19,291.00. see here.


Previous Annual Donations

£12,512.44 in 2019/20 details here.

£17149.19 in 2018/19