Presidents Objectives 2020/21

The President's Objectives for the Year

At the Club Assembly in June, our incoming President, Norman Wicks, outlined the following.

My initial objective will be to ensure that the Club continues to perform in a manner that keeps the members happy and which ensures that they continue to enjoy their membership. This will be achieved  by the continuation of our lunch time meetings, some involving a speaker, some just ‘fun’ sessions.

My second objective is to ensure that we are all firmly concentrating on the future. When I was first approached to become President, I thought there might be a few areas that I might like to tweak in order to enhance the operation of the Club. Post COVID-19 has had a fundamental change on our society and how it conducts itself. In particular the business community has developed new ways of working that do not require face to face meetings and these changes are likely to be permanent. If business is changing its approach, then the Rotary movement will also have to change.

There is one thing of which I am quite certain. Those Clubs that change their ways, seek to be attractive to a wider audience and which tailor their approach to the expectations, wishes and requirements of future, younger members, will not just survive – they will thrive. I want and indeed I expect Hexham Rotary Club to thrive. So, my second objective is that by the end of my term of office we have agreed on a plan for the long term growth and development of Hexham Rotary Club. There are other matters which will form part of my year. We will of course look to fund raising activities although these may be made more difficult by the current economic situation. As far as fund raising is concerned, Hexham Rotary Club has a deserved excellent reputation, but I would like to take a look at that other part of Rotary, namely service to the community. In particular I would like us to consider whether we could do more by way of service to the community of Hexham.

I would also like to increase our profile both within the community and more widely. This too needs careful thought out with possible external advice and help. There have been a number of on-line training sessions about how to use Facebook to achieve those ends and we must learn from them. And finally I would like to seek ways of working more closely with Tyndale Rotary club and Hadrian’s Wall Rotary club. We are already inviting Tynedale to our meetings and we need to explore further ways of working together. It is my understanding that all three clubs are working with Queen Elizabeth High School but independently of each other. This has to be ridiculous. Surely we should all work together?

These then are my thoughts for my year of office. It may be that what I am proposing fills some of you with horror but, hopefully, a majority of you will think that what I have suggested provides a sustainable way forward and will give you a sense of optimism for the future. However, rest assured, you will be consulted and your thoughts and idea sought throughout the process. It is your club, not mine.  We shall not of course be doing this alone and I am confident that there will be plenty of support from Rotary International. However at the end of the day it is you who will have to decide what is best for the Club. But, make no mistake, what ever you decide will have long term implications for the future of Hexham Rotary Club.
