NickHexham Rotary is one of the oldest Rotary Clubs in the UK and we will be celebrating our centenary in1927. We are a forward-looking club and post-Covid we have taken the opportunity to look afresh at our activities in a process which has involved all our members. With the President Elect and with the agreement of Club Council a portfolio of actions and projects has been developed which committees can draw on and which we hope to implement over the next two years. We believe strongly that our focus should be very much on service to the community of Hexham as well as to the wider community at large. We aim to get things done and this is in line with the aim of the new Rotary International President’s approach of ‘Create Hope in the World.’ We will combine this approach with looking at new ways of working and at the same time enjoying friendships and having fun.

Each Rotary Year runs from 1 July to the 30th June and our President this year (2024/2025) is Nick Rossiter who can be contacted at president@hexhamrotary.co.ukHis aims for this year can be seen at President's Aims

The club is completely democratic and the members have a final say in any decisions. A Club Council oversees the running of the club but the major work is done in committees or teams of members each led by an experienced Rotarian. These teams are reponsible for the following activities.

The "Admin" team looks after the programme of events for Club Members, including speakers, and is led by our President Elect, Christopher Porter, whose email is admin@hexhamrotary.co.uk

The "Foundation" team have a special responsibility for encouraging members to donate to Rotary's own charity - The Rotary Foundation-. This charity helps fund club projects across the world with its major project the elimination of Polio. It is led by John Dumbrell. His email is foundation.hexham@hexhamrotary.co.uk

The "Membership" team looks after recruitment and membership retention and is led by Brian Massey. His email is membership@hexhamrotary.co.uk

Our "International" team looks after intenational project and is led by Miles Middleton (International@HexhamRotary.co.uk) and includes a team dedicated to fund raising for national or international disasters where a quick response is required. Brian Massey leads our Emergency Disaster Fund and can be contacted atdisaster@hexhamrotary.co.uk

The "Youth" team is led by John Dunn and deals with helping the local young persons and working with our schools. email youth@hexhamrotary.co.uk

The "Community" team helps with work in the local community and is led by Jennifer Baker. This includes collections for local causes and our Christmas activities. Email;community@hexhamrotary.co.uk

Our "Environment" team is led by Andrew Rigg, environment@hexhamrotary.co.ukand covers not just environmental work such as tree planting or litter picking but also encourages members to put forward useful projects.